Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just to Share the Happiness I Gained

Yesterday I visited one of our fellow employees who was sick. I bought some oranges for him.I remember the days I felt very lazy to visit sick people. I hardly visited them.My fellow employee took the small bag of oranges and said "Thank You" in a faint voice. The gratitude in his eyes made me to feel happy, happier than ever. I knew he thanked me for my visit but the great thing is it was my father who paved the way to do little things like this on behalf of the others.

I was really surprised by the feelings I gathered.I observed my father from my childhood. He used to visit patients in " General Hospital, Matara".He hardly missed one. He not only visited his relatives and friends but also people who travel with him in public transport and the poor villagers.

I remember one of my relatives say " your father used to go to almost all the funerals of the people he knew".

My father never advised me to visit patients or participate in funerals.Instead he proved that is the way to treat people by his acts silently, similar to the manner he has passed away.

Thaththa, I don't have words to explain how I felt happy just by following the good habits you never insisted us to follow, but proved by your acts.


Roshanthi said...
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Roshanthi said...

I know about the happiness you're talking about. Sometimes the gratitude in someone's eyes can make your day.

I believe that we can do good to others in our own little way and each act of kindness counts.