Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Annual Party 2008

It’s been my second Annual Party at Hanscomb. I’ve got a rare opportunity to deal with Omanis, English, South Africans, Canadians, Indians and people from Hong Kong & Zimbabwe, since we are in an International Arena in Hanscomb. In an attempt to learn their native languages I still have failed to learn any. I have given priority to learn Arabic and now I’m progressing on the same.

The one you see in the picture is the person who is successfully managing this multi national organization in Oman. We enjoyed a lot in the party which is called a “Belated Christmas Party” (Surprised!!!!!!!!!, That is Hanscomb’s way), and people wished “Merry Christmas” to each other.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Fallen In Love Again

I have fallen in love again. Not with a cute little lady. But with the place I work. This is called Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa. This Hotel is situated in a fascinating location in Sultanate of Oman. I started working as a Cost Consultant in the place from 28th January 2008.

Why have I fallen in love with a place? As a mother loves her children, as a farmer loves his plants and crop, as a fisherman loves the sea, we the construction people love the structures. When you see a structure which is managed by you, it will recall the memories of how the excavation, structure and the finishes of the same have been achieved stage by stage as a mother see her children grow stage by stage. When you perceive that the intended purpose of the structure have been achieved you will get the same feeling a farmer gets when he get the harvest out of his efforts. When you see the beauty and glamour of the structures you involve, you will fall in love with them as a fisherman loves the sea.